Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Photo Essay #1

     Allie Wood has many roles at Cornerstone University that affects many lives each day. Allie spends 24/7 as  is a resident assistant for C1W in Cook Hall. She also works in admissions as; a special events assistant, tour guide, and a front desk assistant. While juggling her busy life, Allie is a student as well. Throughout all her responsibilities, Allie continues to peruse her major in Secondary Education. Allie takes time throughout her day to take care of herself and others. She must always be prepared and organized to keep her priorities straight. Allie works with multiple people to create admissions events that are welcoming for future Cornerstone University students. She also, plans events for her section in Cook Hall. She is a role model and advisor for the freshman in her section and throughout campus. Allie manages to balance her work and social life by being involved in the CU community. Allie Wood is a lady of many trades and affects many lives on CU's campus and beyond.

                         Resident assistant Allie Wood, gets ready for her day in Cook Hall.

                             Resident assistant Allie Wood, gets ready for her day in Cook Hall.

                               Resident assistant Allie Wood, gets ready for her day in Cook Hall.

 Front desk assistant, Allie Wood answers the phone in the Cornerstone University Admissions Building.

                            Allie Wood writes down messages for admission counselors.

              Front desk assistant Allie Wood takes notes after talking to a perspective.

Special event assistant, Allie Wood talks to admissions counselor Kati Junge about upcoming events.

Allie Wood gets off campus to study at the Grand Rapids Public Library

Resident assistant Allie Wood participates in a Cook Hall craft event.

Allie Wood participates in a Cook Hall craft event.

       Resident assistant Allie Wood organizes a brick painting event for her section, C1W in Cook Hall.

                     Resident assistant Allie Wood chats with Arrianne Wiltgren, Alexa Heeres, and Ashley Egler.

Allie Wood unwinds from a long day.

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