Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Nekoda Boggs - Final Photo Essay

Home Schooling with the Jordans
I've had the privilege this year to spend time with a family that I met through Sunshine Community Church here in Grand Rapids. The Jordan family allowed me to come into their home and get to know them. Sue Jordan home schools her four children: Catherine, Joey, Paul and Peter. My aim for this photo essay was to show what home schooling really is since there is a stigma about home schooling being just all fun and games or socially awkward children. Sue Jordan has a very rigorous program that she teaches her kids that if they were place in a public school they would be at least two grades above their actual grade level. Their school day will typically last from 9 am to 3:30 pm with a half hour recess after lunch.
These kids are normal kids and they aren't socially awkward. Joey is on a local robotics team that is going to Nationals in Saint Louis, Missouri from May 3 to May 8. Paul and Peter play with the neighbor kids their age that go to the local public school. Catherine has a job and spends lots of time with friends from church.

Sue Jordan gives her son, fourth grade, Paul Jordan a spelling test in their home in Grand Rapids. Paul Jordan has no difficulty spelling the word "Remembers".

Catherine Jordan, Sophomore, listens to music as she works on her advanced calculus in hopes to get an A in her home in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

In his home in Grand Rapids Joey Jordan does research for an oral presentation that he must give in front of his mother , Sue Jordan, in the next few days.

Now on week 33 of the Jordan children's schooling and with only a few weeks left, like any other student they are ready for summer.

Sue Jordan gives reads off that day's spelling words to her son, Paul Jordan, who again has no struggles with spelling.

Mother and teacher, Sue Jordan, listens and grades her son, eighth grade Joey Jordan, as he gives his oral presentation he's been working on all week.

Second grader Peter Jordan reads a passage out loud to me as I listen to make sure he doesn't stumble over the difficult words of a fourth grade book.

Like any other student after lunch is fixed at noon the children have a half hour of recess before resuming their studies.

Sue Jordan keeps a globe, among other things, in the house during the school day to make the home feel a little more like a classroom.

Sue Jordan and son, second grader Peter Jordan, work on the last science experiment of the year dealing with electric currents and how they work.
Peter Jordan plays a fun game with the electric current they is mother, Sue Jordan, designed to show how electricity cal flow through certain objects.
Joey Jordan speaks to a fellow robotics member before their meeting about how to make the robot better before nationals in the next two weeks.

The robotics team has begun discussing in groups the different tasks they must to do make sure the robot runs smoothly.

Paul Jordan plays soccer outside with his next door neighbor Peter Reed to start their weekend of fun.

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