Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Final Photo Essay // Kristin Lenoir

Unseen Ministry

         Many times, society does not realize how involved the church is with the community. But the biggest element that people do not realize is how much time members of the church put into the oncoming service each and every week. I followed the inner workings of Frontline Community Church to see how much goes on behind the scenes of a large church in the Grand Rapids community.  

[April 15, 2018] Frontline Community Church is packed every week with preparations for Sunday service as well as community events that take place throughout the mix of preparations. 

[April 10, 2018] Students of HIS Dance Academy line up on stage to have recital photos taken.

[April 10, 2018] As other groups have their pictures taken, students of HIS Dance Academy practice their routine in the back of the auditorium.

[April 11, 2018] Frontline's main youth pastor, Brad Vanderson, watches in the back of the auditorium as a video plays for the youth group members.

[April 11, 2018] Students attending youth group take part in watching an inspirational video about a photographer who went from nothing, to complete fame, but quickly left it for a photojournalist life in suffering countries.

[April 11, 2018] Brad Vanderson, Frontline's lead youth pastor, talks after the short film to discuss the impact God had in the photographer's life and how we can apply it to our own lives.

[April 11, 2018] Frontline's youth group, titled NowGen, meets each Wednesday night after school and sport activities. 

[April 10, 2018] Children's coloring pages and various notes are found throughout Corey Post's office. Corey is the Worship and Arts Pastor at Frontline Community Church.

[April 10, 2018] Corey Post, Frontline's Worship and Arts Pastor, received his degree from Grace Bible College and has it hanging in his office.

[April 12, 2018] Worship and Arts Pastor, Corey Post, leads the team in worship practice for Sunday morning service.

[April 12, 2018] The main auditorium of the Frontline seats about 1,200 people and hosts two separate services each Sunday.

[April 12, 2018] A volunteer from ResLife Church helps to fix the lights within the main auditorium using Frontline's scaffolding equipment.

[April 12, 2018] A tedious job, the ResLife volunteer works in minimal light to fix any issues with the lights in the auditorium.

          Frontline Community Church hosts an array of events each week for classes and the local community. There is no lack of preparations for each Sunday service and the time and effort that goes into each and every one. Frontline has a large team of volunteers and employees who work diligently and faithfully to make sure everything that happens in the building goes smoothly. Many times, people within the community as well as the church itself forget, or do not realize, how much time and effort goes into each and every service. We as church members and Christ followers many times go to church with the expectation of it being a "perfect service" with little to no mishaps, but forget that the preparations for the service is a form of ministry in and of itself. Frontline demonstrates that idea of "background ministry" by never bringing it out into the open of how much they put into the services, but instead serving the congregation with praise and humbleness.

 [April 12, 2018] The worship team takes a short break to discuss the expectations of practice and Sunday morning service, as well as a time for team prayer.

 [April 12, 2018] Corey Post leads the time of prayer and discussion before continuing with worship practice for Sunday morning service.

 [April 12, 2018] Ineke Wilkinson and her child wait patiently for further direction in worship practice. 

 [April 12, 2018] Ineke Wilkinson's child sits within mom's eye-view, letting him play as worship practice continues.

 [April 12, 2018] Singer on Frontline's worship team, Ineke Wilkinson, shows affection towards her child as worship practice continues.

 [April 12, 2018] Corey Post, Worship and Arts Pastor at Frontline, sings out as the team practices their last song for the oncoming Sunday service.

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